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Whitstable Junior School

Learning today for life tomorrow


a poster entitled "Ofsted Outcomes June 2019" containing multiple positive comments in cloud shapes and a quote from ofsted worded: "the pupils and their wellbeing are at the heart of everything you do"


Dear Parents and Carers

You will know that the school had an inspection by Ofsted on June 18th. I am writing to let you know formally that the school achieved a ’Good’ rating. The Governors are absolutely delighted and I’m sure you will all join us in congratulating Mrs Knoupe and all the teaching and support staff for their hard work and dedication in achieving this result. It is a real testament to the work of all the staff (present and past) since the last inspection in April 2015 that such a positive report has been delivered.

You will be able to see the full report on the Ofsted website from later this week and we will be posting it on our own website to the same timescale but some of the highlights, directly from the report, are:

  • ‘You (Mrs Knoupe), your team and the governors share a clear Vision and are ambitious for all the pupils to do well and have a rich range of experiences.’
  • ‘The pupils and their well-being are at the heart of everything you do.’
  • ‘Staff morale is high……….they are proud to work at the school, and feel well supported, valued and respected.’
  • ‘One parent wrote: We hugely value the school’s focus on equality, inclusion and the celebration of each child and their personal potential and achievements.’
  • ‘This is a happy, calm and orderly school. Pupils are polite, friendly and behave well. They enjoy coming to school.’
  • ‘In response to Parent View, Ofsted’s online survey, parents show that they are very supportive and positive about the school……’
  • ‘The aspects identified for improvement at the last inspection have been addressed successfully.’

There was apparently a very high response to the Parent View survey, particularly the number of ‘free text’ comments, and I would like to thank all of you that took the time and trouble to take part in the survey.

The report shows a very positive picture of the way the school runs with the children at the heart of everything that happens and gives us a great base from which to move forward over the coming years.

Yours sincerely,

Ged Smith

Chair of Governors

Ofsted reports on the Ofsted website 
Parentview Website
School Inspection Guide for Parents