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Whitstable Junior School

Learning today for life tomorrow

PHSE & RelationshipS Education

At Whitstable Junior School, our intent for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is to provide a comprehensive programme which aims to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their relationships, health, and well-being with the attitudes ‘Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible’ underpinning all elements. We strive to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that respects individual differences and promotes positive values and attitudes towards relationships and diversity.

Our RSE curriculum is designed to be age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, and inclusive, ensuring that all pupils receive accurate and relevant information that reflects the diversity of experiences and identities within our school community. We strive to empower our pupils to develop healthy relationships, understand consent, and navigate the challenges of adolescence with confidence and resilience by delivering the ‘learning today that they will need for life tomorrow’.

Our RSE programme is woven through a range of opportunities at Whitstable Junior School:

  • dedicated lessons using resources from the HeartSmart scheme that have been tailored to suit our school by the RSE lead and class teachers;
  • cross-curricular opportunities such as understanding economics in Maths, learning about other religions, cultures and values in Religious Education and investigating healthy lifestyles in Science;  
  • and whole-school initiatives and events that embed RSE principles into the wider ethos of our school, for example Anti-Bullying Week, Walk for Water, and assemblies.

We have carefully selected resources and materials that are engaging, factual, and designed to promote open and respectful discussions around sensitive topics. We regularly update and adapt our teaching to ensure that we reflect current guidelines and topical issues and deliver bespoke lessons to reflect on our rules ‘Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible’, should the need arise.  

Our teachers receive regular training and professional development to deliver RSE lessons effectively, ensuring they are equipped to respond to pupils' questions and concerns in a supportive and non-judgmental manner. We actively involve parents and carers in the RSE process, providing them with information and resources to support their children's learning at home and encouraging open communication about RSE topics.

We collaborate with external agencies and health professionals to enhance the quality and scope of our RSE provision, offering specialist input on topics such as puberty, sexual health, and online safety. We also promote a culture of respect and consent throughout the school, modelling positive behaviour and addressing issues of bullying or discrimination promptly and sensitively.

Through our outstanding RSE provision, we aim to achieve positive outcomes for our pupils in terms of their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours related to relationships and sex. We continuously evaluate the impact of our RSE programme through feedback from pupils, parents, and staff, as well as observations of pupils' interactions and understanding.

Our pupils demonstrate increased confidence in discussing RSE topics, ask thoughtful questions, and engage in respectful debates with their peers. They show a greater awareness of diversity and inclusion, challenging stereotypes and discrimination, and developing empathy and understanding towards others. We observe positive changes in pupils' attitudes towards their own bodies, relationships, and well-being, leading to informed decision-making and healthier choices both during their time at school and beyond.

Overall, our outstanding RSE provision plays a crucial role in promoting the well-being and personal development of our pupils, preparing them for the challenges of adolescence and adulthood with knowledge, resilience, and respect.